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Aperitif + water glass


14 PM, 29 degrees. While in Milan the aperitivo is arriving at the bistro table and in Marseille a toast is raised with an apéro, soon in New York, Happy Hour will begin with a sparkling twist. Common to all these indulgent moments is the effervescent anticipation of the cloudless hours the most bea... Read more



14 PM, 29 degrees. While in Milan the aperitivo is arriving at the bistro table and in Marseille a toast is raised with an apéro, soon in New York, Happy Hour will begin with a sparkling twist. Common to all these indulgent moments is the effervescent anticipation of the cloudless hours the most beautiful season brings with it. Daydreams take on a new form with the clinking of ice cubes, the warm breeze conjurs up feelings of euphoria. "Sommerrausch" (Engl. "Summer Rush") accompanies these fantastic journeys of musing, which, across the oceans, always aim for the same destination — an extension of the blissful moments of leisure.