Functional cookies are absolutely necessary for the functionality of the web shop. These cookies assign a unique random ID to your browser so that your unhindered shopping experience can be guaranteed over several page views.
The session cookie stores your shopping data over several page views and is therefore essential for your personal shopping experience.
CSRF token:
The CSRF token cookie contributes to your security. It strengthens the security of forms against unwanted hacker attacks.
The cookie is used to provide the system with the user's current time zone.
Cookie settings:
The cookie is used to store the cookie settings of the site user over several browser sessions.
Cache handling:
The cookie is used to differentiate the cache for different scenarios and page users.
Information on origin:
The cookie stores the referrer and the first page visited by the user for further use.
Activated cookies:
Saves which cookies have already been accepted by the user for the first time.
CAPTCHA integration
Online Metrix
Amazon Pay
Shop Search:
Necessary for the appropriate function of our search solution.
PayPal payments
Amazon Pay:
The cookie is used for payment transactions via Amazon.
Deaktivierung von Matomo
Mollie Payment:
This cookie is used to group all events generated from a unique user session across multiple checkout pages.
YouTube video
Google Maps/ Places/ Geocoding:
With Google API we check your address and make auto suggest in checkout.
Location maps:
We use OpenStreetMap as tile provider to show you visually the location of our stores and merchants.
Allows Google to collect personal data for online advertising and marketing.
Meta Pixel:
For the placement and optimization of Facebook and Instagram ads, you can agree to the integration of the Meta Pixel in our shop.
Cookies used for statistics and shop performance metrics.
Matomo Tracking:
Tracking statistics for the optimization of user workflows. No personal data is stored.
Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is used for traffic analysis of the website. Thereby statistics about website activities can be created and read out.
Conversion and usertracking via Google Tag Manager
These cookies are used to collect and process information about the use of the website by users, in order to subsequently personalise advertising and/or content in other contexts.
E-Business Intelligence:
Mit E-Business Intelligence versuchen wir unser Portfolio auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abzustimmen.
Tracking cookies help the shop operator to collect and evaluate information about the behaviour of users on their website.
Hotjar cookies are used to analyze website activities of users. The site user is identified by the cookie over several page views and his or her behavior is analyzed.
Google Tagmanager
Bing Ads:
This cookie is used by Bing to gather anonymous information on how visitors are using the website.
Microsoft Clarity:
Mit Microsoft Clarity können wir auswerten, wie Sie unsere Website nutzen, um auf dieser Grundlage Fehler zu identifizieren oder die Benutzerführung zu verbessern.
Das Pinterest Tracking Cookie wird verwendet um Informationen über die Aktivität von Besuchern auf der Website zu erstellen und für Werbeanzeigen zu nutzen.
Used by Pinterest to track the usage of services, Necessary for the integration of Pinterest on the website.
Marketing cookies are used to display advertisements on the website in a targeted and individualized manner across multiple page views and browser sessions.
Google Advertising
Google AdSense:
The cookie is used by Google AdSense to promote advertising efficiency on the website.
Facebook Pixel:
The cookie is used by Facebook to display personalized advertising offers based on user behavior to users of websites that integrate Facebook services.
Adform setzt Cookies zur Verbesserung der Nutzererfahrung und für gezielte Werbung ein. Ohne Zustimmung werden keine personalisierten Anzeigen geschaltet
Taboola verwendet Cookies, um Nutzern personalisierte Inhalte und Werbung basierend auf ihrem Online-Verhalten anzuzeigen. Wenn keine Zustimmung erteilt wird, zeigt Taboola nur kontextbasierte Empfehlungen ohne Nutzung persönlicher Daten an.
Readpeak verwendet Cookies und Tracking-Pixel, um das Nutzerverhalten zu analysieren und personalisierte Werbung anzubieten.
Google conversion tracking:
The Google Conversion Tracking Cookie is used to track conversions on the website effectively. This information is used by the site operator to target Google AdWords campaigns.
Klaviyo Statistics
We respect your privacy
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website... More information.